🌙✨Ramadan Play Hub: Hands-on Fun for Growing Minds 🌙✨

Tips for Healthy Fasting While Breastfeeding

Dr. Soulaf Mansour

Holistic Lactation Consultant - IBCLC, PhD Food Science

✅ Before you start: Ensure you’re in good health, your baby is growing well, your milk supply is stable, and you have a support system at home.

1️⃣ Watch for dehydration signs in your baby – Fewer wet diapers, less stool output, and increased fussiness may indicate dehydration.

2️⃣ Fasting isn’t all or nothing – You can fast on some days and rest on others. Listen to your body and prioritize your well-being.

3️⃣ Support your milk supply – Eat nutrient-dense foods, stay hydrated with electrolyte-rich drinks (like coconut water & carrot juice), and include galactagogues like Moringa and Shatavari.

4️⃣ Avoid excessive caffeine, junk food, and sweets – These can dehydrate you and affect your energy levels.

5️⃣ Don’t skip Suhoor! – A high-protein Suhoor will help keep your energy levels stable and prevent crashes.

6️⃣ Be mindful of your limits – Delegate tasks, rest when needed, and adjust your routine to avoid burnout.

7️⃣ Stop fasting if you experience dehydration signs – Dizziness, fatigue, dark urine, headaches, or dry mouth are red flags. Your baby’s health comes first.

8️⃣ Break your fast in phases – Start with dates & juice, then soup & salad, followed by a balanced meal with protein, healthy fats, and vegetables. Hydrate well between meals.

💡 Fasting is a personal decision—there’s no one-size-fits-all. Do what’s best for you and your baby. 

You can follow Dr. Soulaf on Instagram for more!