Toddler involved in destructive play, such as knocking over building blocks or throwing toys
17-18 month

Week 76: Should You Stop Your Toddler's Destructive Play?

 Destructive play might seem troubling, but it’s a natural part of your toddler’s exploration and learning process. Learn how to manage and redirect it effectively.

17-18 monthTwo toddlers and a parent indoors, exploring a small indoor tree or plant, engaging in sensory play and learning about nature.

Week 75: Why You Should Go on a Nature Walk with Your Little One

Nature walks offer a world of discovery for your toddler. Learn how to make the most of outdoor exploration with these expert tips.

17-18 monthTwo toddlers playing together, sharing toys and interacting in a playful and cooperative manner.

Week 74: Should My Toddler Be Playing with Others?

While toddlers may not engage in complex play, social interactions are vital for their development. Learn how to support your toddler’s socialization journey.

17-18 month A mother clapping and encouraging her toddler as they dance together, enjoying a joyful and interactive music session.

Week 73: Fun Ways to Introduce Your Little One to Music

Music is a powerful tool for toddler development. Discover fun and creative ways to introduce your little one to the joys of music.

17-18 monthA toddler carrying a doll, demonstrating their sense of comfort and developing motor skills through carrying objects.

Week 72: Why Do Toddlers Carry Things Around?

Carrying objects is a common behavior in toddlers, but why do they do it? Learn about the developmental reasons behind this behavior and how to support it.

17-18 monthA toddler holding a soft ball above her head, illustrating engagement in physical play and motor skill development.

Week 71: Toddler Yoga

Toddler yoga offers a fun way to enhance physical and emotional development. Discover the benefits and how to get started with your little one.

17-18 monthA toddler intently playing with a peg toy, highlighting concentration and focus, relevant to strategies for developing attention span in young children.

Week 70: How to Build Your Toddler’s Attention Span

Help your toddler develop a longer attention span with expert-driven strategies that prepare them for future learning and school readiness.

17-18 monthChild having a tantrum, illustrating a challenging behavior moment where redirection and calming strategies can be applied.

Week 69: An Easy Guide to Redirecting Challenging Behavior

Redirecting challenging behavior is an effective way to guide your toddler towards positive actions. Learn how to use this strategy to promote better behavior.