Week 10: 10 ways to grow your newborn baby's brain
0-12 weeks

الأسبوع ١٠: ١٠ أفكار: كيفية تحفيز دماغ الطفل حديث الولادة على النمو

Experiences during the first year of your baby’s life can make a lifelong impact. Read on to see how you can support your newborn’s growing brain.

0-12 weeksWeek 9: Play ideas to strengthen your baby’s leg muscles

الأسبوع ٩: أفكار للعب تساعد في تقوية عضلات رجلي طفلك

Try these ideas to strengthen your baby’s leg muscles and give him a head start to achieve other gross motor skills.

0-12 weeksWeek 8: Tummy time ideas your baby won't hate

الأسبوع ٨: أفكار للنوم على البطن يحبها الأطفال

Try these alternatives if your baby (like many others) hates tummy time

0-12 weeksWeek 7: Fun & easy ways to develop your baby’s tracking skills

الأسبوع ٧: طرق ممتعة وسهلة لتطوير مهارات تتبع طفلك

Visual and auditory tracking is a major development for your baby. Try these steps to help his visual tracking skills.

0-12 weeksWeek 5: Should you swaddle your baby?

الأسبوع ٥: هل من الأفضل تقميط الطفل؟

Many moms find that swaddling benefits their baby’s sleep and comfort. Here’s a handy checklist to make sure your baby will benefit from swaddling.

3-4 monthWeek 19: An underrated milestone: hand-to-hand transfer

الاسبوع ١٩ :نقطة تطور عظيمة الأهمية: نقل الأشياء من يد إلى أخرى

An often overlooked milestone is transferring an object from one hand to another. Read on to learn why this skill is so important.

3-4 monthWeek 18: Fun & easy sensory ideas for tummy time

الاسبوع ١٨ :أفكار مسلية وبسيطة لتنمية الحواس خلال وقت النوم على البطن

Combine the benefits of tummy time with a sensory experience to keep your baby happy. Here are our favourite ideas.

3-4 monthWeek 16: Your baby’s stages of grasping objects

الاسبوع ١٦ :مراحل تطور قدرة طفلك على مسك الأشياء

Reaching leads to grasping, but this will happen in stages. Here are your baby’s 5 upcoming stages of grasping objects.

3-4 monthWeek 15: Mirrors are good for your baby's development. Here’s why.

الاسبوع ١٥ :الانتفاع من الفوائد العديدة للمرايا في تنمية الطفل

Mirrors foster curiosity, help develop social skills and even enhance cognitive development. Here’s how to make a mirror part of playtime.

3-4 monthWeek 14: Reaching & Grasping: Why it’s important and how to encourage it

الاسبوع ١٤ :محاولة الوصول إلى الأشياء ومسكها: الأهمية وطرق التحفيز

Your baby’s small movements lay the foundation for more challenging ones. Here’s why reaching and grasping are critical for further motor development.