23-24 months

Week 101: Welcome to the Twos!

toddler smiling with toddler art on taped down paper

Welcome to the twos! Your baby is growing up fast, and you’re about to experience some of the most exciting—and sometimes challenging—stages of toddlerhood. Get ready for a year filled with developmental leaps, growing independence, and countless adorable moments.

What to Expect During the "Terrific Twos"

1. Language Development Explosion

Around this age, you can expect a burst of new words and even some basic sentences. Your toddler is becoming quite the chatterbox, expressing themselves in more ways than ever. Encourage their language growth by narrating daily activities, reading books together, and engaging in conversations.

Tip: Keep talking! The more you engage, the more language skills they’ll develop. Ask questions and encourage them to share their thoughts.

2. Parallel Play and Socialization

Your child is turning into a social butterfly. At this age, toddlers often engage in parallel play, where they play alongside other children without fully interacting. This is a crucial step toward social development, and you’ll see them gradually start to engage more with their peers.

Tip: Arrange playdates or time at the park. Watching and imitating other children helps develop social skills and fosters friendships.

3. Growing Independence

From picking out their clothes to attempting to feed themselves, your toddler is on a mission to do things solo. While this newfound independence is exciting, it can also lead to frustration for both you and your child. Be patient and allow them the space to explore while providing guidance when needed.

Tip: Offer choices to give them a sense of control. For example, ask, "Would you like the red cup or the blue cup?" This fosters independence without overwhelming them.

4. Motor Skill Mastery

Motor skills are leveling up, making your little one a more confident mover. Running, jumping, climbing—your toddler will be eager to explore their physical environment and push their boundaries. This is a great time to introduce activities that support their gross and fine motor development.

Tip: Set up safe obstacle courses at home or encourage outdoor play to help them build strength and coordination.

5. Imagination and Pretend Play

Imagination is taking center stage! Pretend play becomes a favorite activity as your child dives into make-believe scenarios. From playing house to creating fantasy worlds, your toddler is learning to understand the world around them and practice problem-solving skills.

Tip: Provide props like costumes, toys, and household objects to encourage their creativity and pretend play.

6. Emotional Growth and Expression

Emotionally, your toddler is experiencing a rainbow of feelings. From giggles of joy to the occasional meltdown, they’re learning to identify and express emotions. It’s a crucial time to help them develop emotional intelligence by labeling their feelings and teaching them coping strategies.

Tip: Acknowledge their emotions and model calming techniques. Say things like, "I see you’re upset. Let’s take a deep breath together."

7. Problem-Solving and Cognitive Development

Your little detective is on the case! Cognitive skills are developing rapidly, and your toddler is figuring out how things work, remembering more details, and understanding cause and effect. Puzzles, building blocks, and problem-solving activities are great ways to nurture their curiosity.

Tip: Give them opportunities to explore and solve problems on their own. Whether it’s figuring out how to stack blocks or open a container, let them experiment and learn through trial and error.

8. Routine and Sleep Patterns

Many two-year-olds transition to one nap a day and settle into more consistent sleep schedules. This brings predictability to bedtime, which can help with emotional regulation and overall behavior.

Tip: Stick to a regular bedtime routine. A predictable routine provides comfort and security, helping your toddler wind down and get a good night’s sleep.


The "terrific twos" are full of wonder, discovery, and rapid growth. As your toddler embarks on this exciting journey of development, be ready for a rollercoaster of milestones, new experiences, and emotional highs and lows. With patience, love, and plenty of encouragement, you’ll help your little one thrive during this incredible stage of life.

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