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Week 20: Building your baby’s brain with these 5 steps
To serve and return in a conversation has been proven to help build your baby’s brain. Learn how you can implement it today.

Week 19: An underrated milestone: hand-to-hand transfer
An often overlooked milestone is transferring an object from one hand to another. Read on to learn why this skill is so important.

Week 18: Fun & easy sensory ideas for tummy time
Combine the benefits of tummy time with a sensory experience to keep your baby happy. Here are our favourite ideas.

Week 17: Best way to talk to help with language development
A one-sided conversation can get boring and uninspired. Learn how to talk to your baby to help their language development.

Week 16: Your baby’s stages of grasping objects
Reaching leads to grasping, but this will happen in stages. Here are your baby’s 5 upcoming stages of grasping objects.

Week 15: Mirrors are good for your baby's development. Here’s why.
Mirrors foster curiosity, help develop social skills and even enhance cognitive development. Here’s how to make a mirror part of playtime.

Week 14: Reaching & Grasping: Why it’s important and how to encourage it
Your baby’s small movements lay the foundation for more challenging ones. Here’s why reaching and grasping are critical for further motor development.

Week 13: Why you need to take your baby on a house tour
Taking your baby on a house tour is a fun learning activity you both will enjoy. Here are some ideas to make it part of your routine.