19-20 months

Week 80: Is Your Toddler Going Through a Language Explosion?

Mother reading a book with her toddler, showing engagement and interaction as part of their language development and bonding time.

What is a Language Explosion?

Is your toddler suddenly chatting away with new, bigger words? They might be going through what's known as a language explosion—a phase where their vocabulary and language skills expand rapidly. During this period, toddlers begin learning and using words at an accelerated pace, often combining them into simple sentences.

Signs of a Language Explosion:

  • Combining Words:
    Your toddler may start forming simple sentences like “More juice” or “Big truck,” signaling a leap in their ability to express themselves.
  • Fast Mapping:
    This is when your toddler quickly associates new words with objects after hearing them just a few times. For example, if you say, “Look at the bunny,” they’ll start connecting the word “bunny” with the fluffy animal they see.

How to Support This Phase:

  • Interactive Tools:
    Use tools like the hanging animal matching from our Wonder With Me box to help reinforce word-object associations. Ask your toddler to slot the butterfly into the correct pocket, helping them recognize and name it.
  • Steady Exposure:
    Research shows that gradually introducing new vocabulary is more effective than rushing it all at once. Like climbing stairs, language learning is a step-by-step process. Keep talking to your toddler, naming things around them, and reading books together.

Encourage your toddler’s language development by engaging in conversations, reading together, and introducing new words daily. This exciting phase is a significant milestone in their communication journey.

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