17-18 month

Week 73: Fun Ways to Introduce Your Little One to Music

 A mother clapping and encouraging her toddler as they dance together, enjoying a joyful and interactive music session.

Music has a profound impact on a toddler’s development. It encourages language acquisition, fosters creativity, and even helps with social skills. Here’s how you can make music a regular part of your toddler’s life.

Expert Tips for Introducing Music:

  • Listen to Music Together:
    Play familiar nursery rhymes or introduce different genres of music during car rides or playtime. Singing along to songs helps with speech development and introduces your toddler to a variety of sounds and rhythms.
  • Explore Musical Instruments:
    Encourage your toddler to explore musical instruments, whether store-bought or homemade. For example, you can create DIY instruments by filling a plastic bottle with dried pasta or rice and shaking it to make a maraca. This hands-on approach helps them understand the connection between movement and sound.
  • Have a Dance Party:
    Toddlers love to move to music! Turn on some tunes and have a dance party in your living room. Dancing helps with gross motor skills and coordination while allowing your toddler to express themselves through movement.
  • Make Up Songs:
    Create simple songs about daily tasks, like cleaning up or brushing teeth. This not only makes routines more enjoyable but also helps your toddler learn instructions through music. For example, you might sing, “Brush, brush, brush, time for fun! Grab your toothbrush, get the job done!”

Introducing music to your toddler in these playful and engaging ways will not only bring joy but also support their overall development, making it a valuable addition to their daily routine.

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