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Week 99: Stages of Your Toddler Drawing
Learn about the developmental stages of drawing in toddlers and how these stages support cognitive and motor skill development.

Week 98: Early Math Preparation
Discover fun and simple ways to introduce early math concepts to your toddler, setting the foundation for future learning.

Week 96: Encouraging Pre-Reading and Writing Tactics
Explore fun and effective tactics to encourage pre-reading and writing skills in your toddler, setting the stage for future literacy success.

Week 94: What is Control of Error and Why is It Important?
Explore the concept of control of error in Montessori education and learn why it’s crucial for your toddler’s development.

Week 90: The Importance of Matching Skills
Learn why matching games are essential for your toddler's cognitive development and how they support early learning.

Week 88: How to Navigate Your Toddler Saying No
Learn expert tips on how to handle your toddler's frequent use of the word "no" as they assert their independence.

Week 87: Ways Your Toddler is Starting to Talk
Learn about the different ways your toddler is developing language skills and how you can support their speech journey.

Week 86: Montessori Practical Life Skills
Montessori practical life skills help your toddler build independence and confidence. Discover simple activities that you can incorporate into daily routines.

Week 84: Why Is Categorizing and Sorting Important?
Sorting and categorizing are foundational skills for your toddler’s cognitive development. Learn how to make these activities part of their daily routine.

Week 83: Pretend Play: Why It Matters and How to Encourage It
Pretend play is more than just fun—it's essential for your toddler's social, emotional, and cognitive development. Learn how to encourage this vital form of play.