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Week 34: Why Teach Your Baby to Drink from an Open Cup?
Drinking from an open cup is a major milestone. Learn why this skill is crucial and how to help your baby master it.

Week 35: 5 Ways To Prolong Baby Play
Teaching your baby to focus is very important for their cognitive development. Learn our top 5 ways you can prolong your baby’s playtime.

Week 33: Why your baby loves knocking down cups
Enjoy the many benefits of destructive play with your baby! Learn why this phase of development is crucial and how to support it.

Week 32: Why is it important to let your baby struggle?
Frustrations are inevitable as babies strive to learn new skills, but here is how you can help manage big feelings for your little one.

Week 36: Creating a YES space for your baby - our top 5 tips
Creating an inviting and safe play space than babyproofing. Learn how to create a “YES” space for your baby today.

Week 31: Why it’s better to drink from an open cup
To start your baby’s sipping journey, he only needs an open cup. Here’s why we’ve included one in our Observe With Me box.

Week 30: The why and how of treasure baskets
We learn best when we can use all our senses at the same time. Read on to see why and how you can use treasure baskets during playtime.

Week 29: Worried that you’re not doing enough baby play?
If you’re part of the 66% of parents who are anxious that they’re not playing enough with their babies, read on. Here are some ways you can balance playtime with and without your interference.