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Week 87: Ways Your Toddler is Starting to Talk
Learn about the different ways your toddler is developing language skills and how you can support their speech journey.

Week 80: Is Your Toddler Going Through a Language Explosion?
Is your toddler suddenly chatting away with new words? They may be experiencing a language explosion. Learn how to support their growing vocabulary.

Week 54: What’s a Language Basket and Why Should You Make One?
Learn how to create a Montessori language basket to introduce your toddler to new vocabulary and enhance their language development.

Week 20: Building your baby’s brain with these 5 steps
To serve and return in a conversation has been proven to help build your baby’s brain. Learn how you can implement it today.

Week 50: How to use positive language with your child
The benefits of positive language goes beyond keeping a level head. Here are five steps to becoming a parent who uses more positive language.

Week 48: Why you should let your son play with dolls
Any toy can provide a learning experience for your baby. Learn why it’s important to include a doll on your baby’s toy shelf.

Week 37: Baby sign language- why and when to start.
Teaching your baby sign language can be very rewarding for you both. Learn why we love it and how you can start today.

Week 43: Do this one thing everyday
Not all books are created equal when it comes to reading with your baby. Read on to learn our general ages & stages guidelines.

Week 31: Why it’s better to drink from an open cup
To start your baby’s sipping journey, he only needs an open cup. Here’s why we’ve included one in our Observe With Me box.

Week 26: Mouthing is good for speech development. Here’s why.
Mouthing is important for speech development. Learn how you can safely support it.