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Week 51: Wondering when your little one will start walking?
If you feel your baby is about to start walking, read on to see how you can help those first steps along.

Week 25: 3 Fun ways to play to help your baby to sit up
Independent sitting is a prerequisite for introducing solids. Here are 3 things you can do to help your baby sit.

Week 24: Kicking play ideas to help your baby roll
Kicking play builds all the muscles needed to roll. Discover our favorite super fun and easy ways to help your baby kick.

Week 2: Why your baby need tummy time
When your baby is on his tummy, you are helping him lay the foundations for future milestones. Learn why tummy time is essential.

Week 12: Using play time to support your baby’s milestones
Your baby is still reaching many milestones. Help him achieve them with these play ideas.

Week 9: Play ideas to strengthen your baby’s leg muscles
Try these ideas to strengthen your baby’s leg muscles and give him a head start to achieve other gross motor skills.

Week 8: Tummy time ideas your baby won't hate
Try these alternatives if your baby (like many others) hates tummy time

Week 6: Your baby's reflexes explained
Newborns don’t have much control over their bodies, but luckily Mother Nature gave them some survival skills. Learn more about your baby’s reflexes.

Week 14: Reaching & Grasping: Why it’s important and how to encourage it
Your baby’s small movements lay the foundation for more challenging ones. Here’s why reaching and grasping are critical for further motor development.

Week 21: Helping your baby learn to roll
It’s time to rock & roll! Here’s our top 5 ways to help your baby roll.