Week 11: Building your baby’s brain - one word at a time
0-12 weeks

الأسبوع ١١: تنمية دماغ طفلك من خلال تعليمه كلمة بكلمة

Do this one thing to help your baby develop strong language and conversational skills.

3-4 monthWeek 17: Best way to talk to help with language development

الاسبوع ١٧:الطريقة المثلى للتحدث إلى طفلك بهدف تطوير مهاراته اللغوية

A one-sided conversation can get boring and uninspired. Learn how to talk to your baby to help their language development.

3-4 monthWeek 15: Mirrors are good for your baby's development. Here’s why.

الاسبوع ١٥ :الانتفاع من الفوائد العديدة للمرايا في تنمية الطفل

Mirrors foster curiosity, help develop social skills and even enhance cognitive development. Here’s how to make a mirror part of playtime.

3-4 monthWeek 13: Why you need to take your baby on a house tour

الاسبوع ١٣ :اصطحبي طفلك في جولة داخل منزلك

Taking your baby on a house tour is a fun learning activity you both will enjoy. Here are some ideas to make it part of your routine.